Education is an integral part of American Agri-Women!
The American Agri-Women (AAW) believe in a public educated about modern agriculture because an increased knowledge of agriculture allows individuals to make informed personal choices. Our members believe that informed citizens are able to participate in establishing the policies that will support a competitive agricultural industry that can sustainably produce food and fiber for a growing population.
AAW is dedicated to increasing Agricultural literacy for current and future generations. Agricultural literacy is defined as: an understanding of agriculture’s history and current economic, social and environmental significance to all Americans. This understanding includes some knowledge of food and fiber production, processing and domestic and international marketing.
For more information about AAW educational activities please contact:
Current Activities:
4-H Virtual Farm
National Ag Day
National Agriculture in the Classroom
National FFA Organization
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day
Sigma Alpha Sorority
Ag in the Classroom
American Agri-Women supports the National Agriculture in the Classroom Program!
The Agriculture in the Classroom is a grassroots program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture. Its goal is to help students gain a greater awareness of the role of agriculture in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies. The program is carried out in each state, according to state needs and interests, by individuals representing farm organizations, agribusiness, education and government. Most AAW affiliated state chapters are actively involved in some aspect of their state’s Ag in the Classroom Program.
The National website has some terrific materials and links to good educational resources