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American Agri-Women Foundation 2022 Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted

Hart, Texas (AgPR) Feb. 3, 2022 | The American Agri-Women (AAW) Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2022 Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships. Get an application at The application deadline is March 1, 2022.

The Jean Ibendahl Scholarship (for ages 18-23) and the Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship (for ages 24+) honors the memory of these courageous and adventurous women who played an essential role in serving and leading and who encouraged agricultural pursuits.

These scholarships are available to any farm, ranch, or agri-business woman to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine or other college-level studies directly related to agriculture. American Agri-Women members and affiliates maintain the scholarships.

You can find the application at Completed applications should be sent to American Agri-Women Foundation, P.O. Box 103, Baileyville, Ill., 61007 or emailed to:

About American Agri-Women (AAW) - promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and energy supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers, advocate for agriculture, and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join,

Find AAW on social media at:, (@Women4Ag) and (@americanagriwomen. #standupspeakout4ag



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