ISSUE: Too often, federal agencies overlook the Congressional intent of laws and create
additional regulatory burdens on American citizens, all while overspending their
requested budgets. As an example, the White House Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ) final rule to revise the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ignores the
fact that Congress codified revisions in 2023 that simplified the permitting procedures &
processes. The new rules make the process more expensive while adding more exposure
to potential litigation in the future.
AMERICAN AGRI-WOMEN REQUEST: We support the Congressional Review Act
(CRA). This bill would block the finalization of the recent Endangered Species Act
(ESA) rules by the Fish & Wildlife Service.
BACKGROUND: In particular, CRA would block the Fish & Wildlife Service from the
Section 7 change that allows for unscientific analysis when designating critical habitat for
wildlife in places where the species cannot even live (making it more difficult to delist a
species.) CRA would also prevent the Blanket Rule as a one size fits all (rather than using
a common-sense approach of tailored plans for the specific area in question.) CRA would
also block the roll back of recent changes to the 2019 rules which had more public
participation and worked more efficiently.
AMERICAN AGRI-WOMEN REQUEST: AAW supports S. 4307 Fair and Timely
Citizens Suit Act. This Act prohibits environmentalists from causing endless litigation
relating to the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act.
BACKGROUND: Activists often use current citizen suit provisions to stifle energy and
economic development projects. Defendants in these lawsuits are in courts for years. The
Fair and Timely Citizens Suit Act assures the defendants receive a timely resolve.
AMERICAN AGRI-WOMEN REQUEST: AAW supports S. 1435 West Act (Western
Economic Security Today) which repeals the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM)
Conservation and Landscape Health Rule.
BACKGROUND: The BLM’s “Conservation and Landscape Health Rule” would
restrict public use of public lands while prioritizing conservation leases and areas of
loosely defined critical environmental concerns over current leases for grazing,
recreational, mining, etc. The agency should be managing lands in accordance with their
statutory multiple use mandate.
Congress needs to take control of the agencies and enforce the limitations of their
statutory authority.